Other On-line Resources

Product Reviews & Pricing Information

Here are some websites that can help you decide which PC to buy. Each of these websites have consistently published easy-to-understand and highly reliable equipment reviews:

PC World Magazine
PC Magazine
Ziff Davis Media
Consumer Reports (subscription required)
Consumers Digest (subscription required)
Computer Shopper (monthly print version ceased publication April 2009)

Product Quality & Reliability

For independent assessments about product quality and long term reliability for many of the most popular computer brands, visit the following sites:

Consumer Reports Reliability Ratings (subscription required)
The Most Reliable Tech Gear
PC World’s Laptop Reliability Chart
PC World’s Desktop Reliability Chart

Product reviews are regularly published in book or magazine form and are available at your local bookstore or newspaper and magazine stand. Here’s a good representative sample:

MacWorld Magazine
PC World Magazine
Consumer Reports; annual product reviews (book form) and monthly magazine
Consumers Digest; annual product reviews (book form) and monthly magazine

Vendor’s Reputation

To get an idea of a how well a particular business treats its customers check out any of the sites listed below. After visiting the sites, you should have a pretty good picture of how a company does business and what its reputation is in the marketplace.

Better Business Bureau
U.S. Federal Trade Commission
The American Customer Satisfaction Index (customer satisfaction survey of computer brands sponsored by the University of Michigan)